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Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung, terjadi secara berulang dan/atau perbuatan yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan waktu dalam bentuk sederhana.
Penggunaan umum Simple Present untuk: Habit (Kebiasaan) “He visits my house twice a week” dan Genereal Truth (Kebenaran Umum) “The sun rises in the east”

Kalimat Positif
They, we, i, you
Subjek + Verb I (Infinitive)
She, he, it
Subjek + Verb I (Infinitive) + s/es
Ex. I write a letter everyday (saya menulis surat setiap hari)
Ex. She writes a letter everyday (dia menulis surat setiap hari)
The rules of s/es at Simple Present
Hanya digunakan untuk subjek She, he, it.
Pertama, langsung ditambahkan “s”
Ex. Read, Work, Write, Set, Shines menjadi Reads, Works, Writes, Sets, Shines
Kedua, verb yang berakhiran huruf  “ch, o, s, sh, x, z” ditambahkan “es”
Ex. Teach, Reach, Do, Go, Discuss, Pass, Wish, Finish, Fix menjadi Teaches, Reaches, Does, Goes, Discusses, Passes, Wishes, Finishes, Fixes
Ketiga, verb yang berakhiran “y” didahului oleh huruf konsonan maka “y” diubah menjadi “i” kemudian tambahkan “es”
Ex. Cry, Fly, Study, Reply, Try menjadi Cries, Flies, Studies, Replies, Tries
Keempat, verb yang berakhiran “y” didahului oleh huruf vokal, cukup hanya ditambahkan “s”
Ex. Buy, Play, Lay, Say menjadi Buys, Plays, Lays, Says
Kelima, verb yang dibantu kata kerja bantu (modals), tidak perlu ditambahkan “s/es”
Ex. Must try, Can speak, Must work, Can read

Kalimat Negatif
They, we, i, you
Subjek + do not + Verb I (Infinitive)
She, he, it
Subjek + does not + Verb I (Infinitive)
Ex. I do not write a letter everyday (saya tidak menulis surat setiap hari)
Ex. She does not writes a letter everyday (dia tidak menulis surat setiap hari)
Subjek she, he, it tidak perlu ditambahkan lagi “s/es” karena sudah ada “does”

Kalimat Verbal Tanya
They, we, i, you
Do + Subjek + Verb I (Infinitive)?
She, he, it
Does + Subjek + Verb I (Infinitive)?
Ex. Do you write a letter everyday (Apakah kamu menulis surat setiap hari)
Ex. Does she write a letter everyday (Apakah dia menulis surat setiap hari)
Jawabannya hanya “Yes, i do” atau “No, i don’t”
Jika kalimat tanya nya subjek “you” maka jawabanya subjek “i”
Jawabannya hanya “Yes, she does” atau “No, she doesn’t”

Kalimat Question Word (6w+1h)
What, Where, When, Who, Why, Which, dan How
Kalimat ini membutuhkan jawaban yang panjang.
They, we, i, you
Question Word + Do + Subjek + Verb I (Infinitive)?
She, he, it
Question Word + Does + Subjek + Verb I (Infinitive)?
Ex. Where do you live?
Ex. What does she write?
Khusus untuk Who
Who + Verb 1 (Infinitive) + s/es
Ex. Who borrows your english book?

Dalam kalimat Verbal bentuk Simple Present, seringkali menggunakan Adverb of Frequency atau Derajat Keseringan. Diantaranya yakni ada 1. Always, 2. Ussually, 3. Often, 4. Sometimes, 5. Seldom, 6. Rarely, 7. Never.
Ex. I always eat fried rice every morning

Kalimat Nominal Positif
Subjek + To be + Noun, Adj, Adverb (non verbal)
Ex. They are in the library
Ex. She is beautiful

Kalimat Nominal Negatif
Subjek + To be + Not + Noun, Adj, Adverb (non verbal)
Ex. They are not in the library
Ex. She is not beautiful

Kalimat Nominal Tanya
To be + Subjek + Noun, Adj, Adverb (non verbal)
Ex. Are they in the library?
Ex. Is she beautiful?
Jawaban “Yes, they are” atau No, they are not”
Jawaban “Yes, she is” atau No, she is not”

Kalimat Nominal Question Word
Question Word + To be + Subjek + Noun, Adj, Adverb (non verbal)
Ex. Where are they? in the library
Ex. Who is beautiful? she is beautiful

Adverb of  time yang bisa di gunakan every ....., once a week, twice a week, three times a week, on Sunday, in the morning, etc.